
Assembly #

Once you have all the mechanic components printed and all the electronics soldered together, it’s time to assemble the scanner.

Power plug into chassis #

This step isn’t absolutely necessary but I highly recommend gluing the scanner-power-supply PCB into its place inside the purple piece of the chassis. Make sure the power plug is facing outwards.

Chassis assembly #

The following video walks you through the entire process of assembling the chassis.

Cables #

Hook up everything using the cables that you’ve made.

  • Push the Hall sensor with the longer cable into its hole on the plate (green piece). Pay attention to the correct orientation, the flat side should be facing downwards. Lead the cable back to the its connector (labeled HALLX) tucking it in between the motor on the plate and the idle leg.
  • Push the Hall sensor with the shorter cable into its hole on the idle leg. Pay attention to the correct orientation, the flat side should be facing inwards. Connect to the HALLY connector.
  • Hook up both motors with their cables. The motor mounted on the plate (green piece) should be connected to MOTX and the one on the driver leg to MOTY.
  • Connect the Lidar to the LIDAR connector.

Conclusion #

Congratulations, you’re done with the assembly! At this point you can power up the scanner via the connector on the side of the chassis and continue with the software setup.